Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tax Deductions

The items you can deduct on your taxes when you own vacant land versus improved properties are can be different and sometimes fewer. Check out this article by Solomon Portesky at eHow to be sure you find all the deductions you can use when you own raw land as an investment property.
With all of the discussion of the benefits of home ownership, it becomes easy to forget that these benefits apply, in one form or another, to just about any type of real estate ownership. This can include the ownership of raw land. Whether held for investment or residential purposes, a parcel of land comes with a number of tax deductions built-in.

Full Story Land Property Tax Deductions
Check out our large wooded acreages

Friday, August 9, 2013


In Wisconsin Zoning is the job of local communities. Here is a short article from the UW-Madison Land Information and Computer Graphics Facility website describing Wisconsin Zoning.
In Wisconsin, zoning power is granted to counties, towns, cities, and villages. Each of these units has geographic boundaries. In some cases, zoning power is exercised over part of the lands within a community’s boundaries. In other cases, all the lands within the jurisdiction are zoned. In still other cases, zoning power is exercised over areas outside the local jurisdiction's boundaries. This latter activity is called "extraterritorial zoning."  
There are some distinctions between who is authorized to do general zoning and who is authorized to do special purpose zoning. General zoning addresses a variety of public purposes and objectives. Special purpose zoning addresses specialized concerns or special geographic areas such as lands around airports and lands along rivers or lakes. In Wisconsin, the principal forms of special purpose zoning are agricultural preservation zoning, shoreland zoning, and floodplain zoning.

See Full Story 1.1  Zoning Powers and Responsibilities:  Wisconsin Counties, Towns, Cities and Villages
For Local Zoning information, visit our Local Travel and Government page on