Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Paying Off Your Mortgage

Is paying off your mortgage or debt first better than just investing? Here is a wonderful article from Deborah L Jacobs, Personal Finance writer for Forbes.
As a personal finance writer I hear a lot of investment advice. To my skeptic’s eye, much of it is too risky, unnecessarily complicated or involves hidden fees. The best advice I ever received was to pay off my mortgage. I did that seven years ago and have been reaping the benefits ever since.

This advice came not from a financial advisor, but from Marc Eisenson, an engineer and electrical contractor who is now retired. In 1991, shortly after I changed careers — from law to journalism — he sent me a copy of his book The Banker’s Secret (Villard Books). It came with software that you could use to calculate how much money you could save in interest by paying off your mortgage more quickly than the bank requires.

Full Story The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received
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  1. the best advise of investment is to plan for money expences, it may very well be that the best thing we can do with our investments is to simply not lose money and finding creative ways to earn or save more.

    Jardin Smith International

  2. I think better is just investing, it's my mind


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